Over the last few weeks StretchIT has been busy creating the webspace for Brains and Games, an online retail store.
From the owner of Brains and Games:
It began in early 2015 with my two favourite boys, some gaming merchandise and some well-crafted brain teasers. Brains and Games grew out of our families’ passion (pronounced obsession) for games, mind bending brain teasers, gaming merchandise and fun and quirky products. With an ever increasing amount of “wow where’d you get that?” ‘s and “can you get one for me?” coming at us from all angles we wanted to be able to share, showcase and supply a larger range of what we were personally enjoying, with YOU.
Having an experienced, professional web developer on hand at home made this task a lot more achievable and fun. I say fun, he may refer to the experience (well yes, ok I “may” have applied the same level of scrutiny and attention to detail in the development and design of this Site as I do to the selection of our products) as something else entirely! Regardless, a huge thank you has to go out of the love of my life for the selfless blood, sweat and tears he has put into this Site, and for his patience. Definitely for his patience!
Thank you Adam from StretchIT.